«What to talk about when there is nothing to talk about» They say artists say such phrase when they need to create appearance of active talk on stage. But there are such situations in life too – on party in company of new people or during first meeting with Ukrainian bride in private….
What to talk about with Ukrainian bride to hold on her attention?
Once scientists held such experiment. They told unknown with each other men and girls that the other participant likes them. Later when they were asked who seemed to be the most attractive to them in group almost everyone chose that person who supposedly liked them.
This rule is familiar to most of us: indeed more often we are attracted to the one who is attracted to us. Unfortunately no one will whisper in Ukrainian bride’s ear, with whom you have just met and who impressed you, about your sympathy. This means that you need to behavior yourself so that she could understand that.
Ukrainian bride in dance of words
«You need to speak with girl about what is pleasant to her and what interests her and then girl will like you», - wrote one of Moliere’s contemporary.
«Ukrainian bride won’t ever be bored with you if you ask her to tell about herself», - agrees with him Andre Morua.
First words of meeting are almost every time banal: girl, how do you like this party (exhibition, show)? What do you do? Girl, what a wonderful weather it is today! Sometimes curt answer follows this and the conversation stops.
This not to happen look for “eyelet” in words of Ukrainian bride – something for what you could catch on. Let’s suppose she says: “It is so hot today! Like in the desert!” You may confirm this: “Yes, it is hot”. And the conversation will end. But you may answer: “Yes, I would drink water not to die in this desert”.
Think also for what your words girl can catch on. On banal questions (“what do you do?” “where did you study?” and so on) you’d better prepare answers with “hooks” in advance. Not to say only: “I am teacher” but to add, for example: “Children are so surprising now; they grow up so early, for example, here…” And your interlocutor will surely remember some funny event on introduced theme.
How get to know whether the theme on which you are speaking is interesting for Ukrainian bride?
Here you should watch on moves of the girl: as opposed to words the body is less inclined to lie. Even behind polite smile one can discern boredom – her eyes will betray her certainly. If the look is wandering somewhere over your head that means girl is thinking in than moment not about you or what you are saying.
Pupils are behaving very eloquently: they shrink when girl is not interested and they widen when the theme excites her extremely.
When girl becomes bored she turns the head away unintentionally. Above all she starts to prepare for deviation beforehand. The body slightly turns around away from you.
What to do if you have noticed that Ukrainian bride is bored with you and she is just about to slip away from you? Don’t worry. Not everything is lost yet! Stop your monologue. Call girl by her name. Ask her a question which would concern her personally. Move the focus of the conversation on her. And if delicate beginnings of interest is not dead yet once and for all, then the conversation can be renewed.
What annoys them?
Impudent interference in private life. Yes, Ukrainian girls like to talk about themselves, but only about that part of their life where they look like the winners. If girl is divorced, has lost the job, she has health problems, and if you like to know about this very much postpone these question for future when you will be good friends already.
In any case don’t start meeting with Ukrainian bride from account of your problems (negative information of general character doesn’t do either). Stop yourself! From one hand you are taking the risk to seem pessimist but from other – keep in mind: women interpret complains and revelation as blueprint for action: “How can I help you?” And the yet unknown for you person can have not wish to leave everything and to save you, unknown man for her.
First meeting, first conversation is the self presentation of Ukrainian bride and man in each other’s eyes. Little exaggeration of your advantages is acceptable because everything is not serious yet, everything is a game, attempt to arouse interest in each other. And the main is – don’t forget about face expression, because in show “What to talk about when there is nothing to talk about?” it is the main.